Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Lesser Half...

I'm thinking that the title of our blog should be something like "The Zinn...Jill Zinn". I've decided to participate in our blog, not because I think anyone really cares about what Jill's husband thinks, but because I need a way to unwind and get my thoughts out without thinking that I need to get a 4.0!
My daily schedule keeps me planning my hours and sometimes quarter hours. It's not a life that I enjoy, but it's become one that I'm accustomed to. I go to school every morning and work every afternoon.That is the meat and potates. The yams and cream corn consist of 24
hours of church volunteer work per week, and web design/development work for contracted clients to wrap it all up. Someone once told me to make sure to have time for family...oh yeah, that was my conscience. I absolutely love spending time with my family, I adore it in fact. Somehow we're doing well with all of this though. All is well, all is well.

I'm planning a real road trip for September. My best friend will fly up from Calif. and we will be driving from Seattle to Canada. We'll be camping at the really nice KOA camps...not those...other ones... I'm really looking forward to it. We'll live on baked beans and Doritos. Hopefully Barry (as in Manilow) will be playing somewhere in Canada...not because we will go see him, but so that we can say that we didn't go see him.

Jill has been really working hard with Ryley and her tantrums lately. It's my belief that when kids are that young, they are not conditioned or even able to react positively when they feel bad or sad, so they resort to base emotions. Adults can maintain or even work through it more easily. So, young'ns need to have all of their base needs met to be happy. They need to be fed, rested, and loved. If they are missing one or even all of those, tantrums result. So, that's my formula. It's easy for me to say right?;)

I hope all of our family and friends are doing great and are fed, rested, and loved.


XYZinn said...

Great post babe! Thanks for participating. :)

Unknown said...

Scott, you have a lot on your plate. Keep up the good work. I think you are probably right about the tantrum thing. I think half the time when Reagan breaks down it is because of lack of sleep or she is constipated or she is thirsty etc.

niknfil said...

It's always good to hear from the OTHER half!! Keep praising how awesome your wife is and you will get through any and every hard time that comes your way!!