Thursday, April 3, 2008

Deal or No Deal

I am so excited for my brother in law, Ryan! Tuesday in Spokane they had casting calls for the tv show Deal or No Deal. So he went down to where they were having the casting calls. He had to stand outside in line for 2 1/2 hours and then once he got inside there were still hours in line before he got to the first "audition."
The audition was 10 contestants around the table and they each had 20 seconds to sell themselves. Ryan introduced himself by by saying something like, "I am Ryan, I work for a home investing company, I am a cancer survivor and had 2 stem cell transplants and my most embarrassing story is when I was in 7th grade wrestling and going to weigh in. The older boys told me to go to the weight room and weigh in, but I was in my whitie tidies and when I went in the weight room there wasn't a scale, just the 8th grade girls."
Ryan went with his friend and at their table they were the only ones to go to the next round. Ryan said probably less than 1 in 10 people made it to the second round. He had to wait in line again for awhile and then it was the same setup with the casting directors. He and another girl got asked to stay. They really liked him and asked him to return the next night to do a demo tape. He had to bring with him 4-6 supporters and they basically filmed a mock demo tape. I guess it was totally awesome and emotional. In the end he won $245,000 fake dollars. They said they are going to send his demo tape on to NBC. The earliest he could find out is June, but the latest could be a year from now!
Holy crap! I am just so excited for them. First of all, because I love Deal or No Deal, and secondly, because if he got on the show and won some money, him and my sister would totally deserve it. They can't have children naturally so they are going to have to adopt, which requires a lot of funds. I will keep you updated. I hope he makes it and that he brings me with him to LA! I would go crazy if I was in the audience. I would be so nervous!!


Cory said...

oh my gosh. that's so cool. i hope he makes it. that would be such an awesome experience!!

xxxx said...

I made it to the demo tape round, too! I am still waiting for them to call though ... ha.

Leah and Mike said...

That is SO cool!! I hope he makes it. That would be so fun to go to LA to see it filmed! Deal or No Deal is coming to Salt Lake next Saturday and I want Mike to try out because he is really good at the game and a really lucky person. I hope he will try out because I really want a trip to LA :)

Anonymous said...

That would be SO much fun!

Ashley said...

I love love love that show and I love Howey Mandell. I am laughing right now because I can totally picture you in the Deal or No Deal audience and they would call you back as a contestant because you are such a crack up and I definately mean that in a good way.

Angel said...

OMG!!! HOw exciting!!!! You gotta let us know if he makes it to the show so we can all watch!!